Food and thought : what are visitors learning during animal feeding time at the zoo?




Nelson, S.C.

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Feeding times have become popular activities at most zoological, wild animal parks and aquaria in part because they are compatible with pre-existing animal enrichment programs and so cost little to provide. Nothing is known, however, of visitor attitudes towards the animals and the food provided or the learning outcomes, if any, from feeding times and the talks given by keepers during such programs. Therefore, structured interviews were conducted with administrators, staff and visitors at three zoos in regional Australia to understand visitors' attitudes towards feeding live prey or carcasses to zoo animals and the goals and outcomes of public feeding programs. This was the first Australian study of adult visitor attitudes and learning outcomes from public feeding programs. Over 90% of the 50 Australian visitors interviewed agreed that feeding live invertebrates (insects) to small vertebrates (reptiles and small mammals) was acceptable. In every case approval for feeding live prey significantly increased if done out of public view. Demographic and sociographic factors affected attitudes towards feeding live prey or carcasses. Zoo personnel are aware of visitor expectations for feeding times and seem to satisfy those expectations, yet zoo administrators' and staff goals for feeding times are greater than visitor expectations and current outcomes. Evidence was obtained to suggest both short and long-term cognitive learning resulted from talks by zoo keepers at feeding times. However, the information learned was not always correct and the level of learning seemed shallow. Analysis of the data suggest enhancements which could be made to facilitate learning outcomes, as well as indicating areas for further research.






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