The Protestant Episcopal Church of the United States of America, in China and Japan, 1835-1870. 美國聖公會 With references to Anglican and Protestant Missions


"The collection centres in the life and episcopate of William Jones Boone, a priest [presbyter] of the Protestant Episcopal Church and the first Episcopal/Anglican Bishop in China, 1845-1864, and his colleagues, male and female, ordained and lay, American, “British” and Chinese. This open access collection of archival material from the twenty-seven years of Boone’s missionary experiences includes other material from other denominations and sources that add to an understanding of the work of the Bishop and his colleagues. It is emphasized that “Part 2. The China Vision” is not, and is not intended to be, a comprehensive coverage of all the issues that arise in this database. It is intended to introduce some themes that are implicit in the letters and reports and were taken for granted by the various writers and reporters" - pages 4-5






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