Bio-grids and applications (QFAB)
Barker, Jeremy
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Delivering bioinformatics power to life science researchers will inevitably run into the problem of limited computing resources, access time, and costs. Access to grid technology and systems can help to overcome these limitations although this presents its own complexities with problems of security, privacy, storage and integration of disparate data in a potentially confusing environment. QFAB, as the catalyst for interdisciplinary research across biotechnology, health and ICT is developing a suite of tools and skills that will allow its partners to tap into the grid infrastructure of APAC and QCIF. Currently QFAB partners have the opportunity to utilise the power of grid computing via its web services which provide a user friendly environment in which to conduct their work. These web enabled services currently provide integrated access to multiple global genomic, proteomic and chemical databases linked to the ENSEMBL and UCSC genome browser mirrors, modeling software and to de-identified clinical data, providing the researcher with the power to accelerate their discovery and innovation processes.
APSR, Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories
Conference presentation
Archives Series
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Open Access