Auld, R.Minchin, R. F.Davies, J.Catinella, B.van Driel, W.Henning, P. A.Linder, S.Momjian, E.Muller, E.O'Neil, K.Sabatini, S.Schneider, SBothun, G.Cortese, L.Disney, Mike J.Hoffman, G. L.Putman, Mary E.Rosenberg, J. L.Baes, Blok, WillemBoselli, A.Brinks, E.Brosch, N.Irwin, J.Karachentsev, I. D.Kilborn, Virginia A.Koribalski, Baerbel S.Spekkens, K.2015-12-070035-8711 Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey (AGES) is one of several H I surveys utilizing the new Arecibo L-band Feed Array (ALFA) fitted to the 305-m radio telescope at Arecibo. α The survey is specifically designed to investigate various galactic environmenKeywords: Galaxies: fundamental parameters; Galaxies: luminosity function, mass function; Galaxies: structure; Galaxy: evolution; SurveysThe Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey: precursor observations of the NGC 628 group200610.1111/j.1365-2966.2006.10761.x2015-12-07