Fontaine, FabriceIldefonse, BenoitBagdassarov, Nickolai S.2015-12-080956-540X oscillatory deformation experiments have been performed at high temperatures (600-1170°C) and over a wide range of low frequencies (20-2.10-3 Hz) on fine-grained gabbronorite samples from the Oman ophiolite in order to determine the shear wave atKeywords: frequency dependence; friction; grain size; igneous rock; S-wave; wave attenuation Attenuation; Gabbro; Laboratory measurement; Partial melting; Torsion deformationTemperature dependence of shear wave attenuation in partially molten gabbronorite at seismic frequencies200510.1111/j.1365-246X.2005.02767.x2015-12-08