Vedder, OscarKorsten, PeterMagrath, MichaelKomdeur, Jan2015-12-101045-2249 (UV) signals are suggested to be sexually selected in a wide range of taxa. Most research, however, has focused on the role of UV signals in mate choice, whereas possible functions in intraspecific competition remain largely untested. StudiesKeywords: dominance; experimental study; intraspecific competition; mate choice; passerine; plumage; reflectance; signaling; social status; testing method; ultraviolet radiation; Cyanistes caeruleus Armament; Male-male competition; Sexual selection; Site-related dominance; Status signaling; Structural colorationUltraviolet plumage does not signal social status in free-living blue tits; an experimental test200810.1093/beheco/arm1462015-12-09