Yin, XiangguoGuan, Xi-WenChen, ShuBatchelor, Murray2015-12-081050-2947http://hdl.handle.net/1885/29685We investigate quantum criticality and universal scaling of strongly attractive Fermi gases confined in a one-dimensional harmonic trap. We demonstrate from the power-law scaling of the thermodynamic properties that current experiments on this system areAuthor/s retain copyrightKeywords: Atomic Fermi gas; Fermi gas; Key feature; One-dimensional harmonic trap; Power law scalings; Quantum critical phenomena; Quantum criticality; Tomonaga Luttinger liquid; Ultra-cold; Universal scaling; Criticality (nuclear fission); Electron gas; Phase diagQuantum criticality and universal scaling of strongly attractive spin-imbalanced Fermi gases in a one-dimensional harmonic trap201110.1103/PhysRevA.84.0116022016-02-24