Lee, BronwynClifton, GerardLangley, Somaya2008-05-282011-01-042011-02-232008-05-282011-01-042011-02-2331/08/2006http://hdl.handle.net/1885/47013http://digitalcollections.anu.edu.au/handle/1885/47013APSR aims to establish a centre of excellence in sustainable digital resource management, and partner universities are developing demonstrator repositories built on sustainability principles. This presentation outlines the results of a project commissioned by APSR to specify requirements for the collection of metadata needed for long term continuity of access to digital collections. The project was called PRESTA (PREMIS Requirements Statement) but it took a broader view than PREMIS alone. The presentation will highlight the following areas of the project report: • recommended preservation metadata elements including ‘mandatory’ elements; • recommended supported file formats; • recommended tools for automatic metadata extraction and their capabilities; • gaps in preservation metadata collected in selected partner repositories and recommendations for enhancements; • functional specifications and use cases for preservation events and event ('history') logging, a significant piece of the digital preservation framework not yet included in partner repositories; • a draft METS profile for exchanging preservation metadata.enhttps://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/APSRAustralian Partnership for Sustainable RepositoriesPreservation Metadata – adapting or adopting PREMIS for APSR