Anderson, BrianShi, GuodongTrumpf, Jochen2021-06-010018-9286 study continuous-time consensus dynamics for multi-agent systems with undirected switching interaction graphs. We establish a necessary and sufficient condition for exponential asymptotic consensus based on the classical theory of complete observability. The proof is remarkably simple compared to similar results in the literature and the conditions for consensus are mild. This observability-based method can also be applied to the case where negatively weighted edges are present. Additionally, as a by-product of the observability based arguments, we show that the nodes' initial value can be recovered from the signals on the edges up to a shift of the network averageThis work was supported by Data61- CSIRO (formerly NICTA) and by the Australian Research Council under Grants DP130103610 and DP160104500. Recommended by Associate Editor R. M. Jungersapplication/pdfen-AU© 2016 IEEE.Multi-agent systemstime-varying networkssigned networksobservability theoryConvergence and State Reconstruction of Time-Varying Multi-Agent Systems from Complete Observability Theory201710.1109/TAC.2016.25992742020-11-23