Bellini, APiotto, GBedin, L RAnderson, JayPlatais, ImantsMomany, YMoretti, AMilone, AntoninoOrtolani, Sergio2015-12-130004-6361 ω Centauri is the most well studied Galactic Globular Cluster because of its numerous puzzling features: significant dispersion in metallicity, multiple populations, triple main-sequence, horizontal branch morphology, He-rich population(s), andKeywords: Astronomical satellites; Astronomy; Charge coupled devices; Digital cameras; Fourier transforms; Galaxies; Helium; Image segmentation; Optical instruments; Optical telescopes; Photometers; Photometry; Probability distributions; Telescopes; Astrometry; Cat Astrometry; Catalogs; Galaxy: globular clusters: general; Galaxy: globular clusters: individual: ? cen; Stars: Hertzsprung-russell (HR) and C-M diagrams; Stars: population IIGround-based CCD astrometry with wide field imagers III. WFI@2.2m proper-motion catalog of the globular cluster ω Centauri200910.1051/0004-6361:2008108802016-02-24