Rosberg, ChristianGaranovich, IvanNeshev, DragomirKrolikowski, WieslawSukhorukov, AndreyKivshar, Yuri2015-12-07May 21-261557528136 demonstrate experimentally all-optical beam steering in modulated photonic lattices produced by three wave interference in photorefractive crystals. We show that high spatial resolution can be achieved by combining dynamic beam steering with nonlinearKeywords: Crystallography; Electron optics; Medical imaging; Photonic crystals; Photonics; Photorefractive crystals; Quantum electronics; Beam steering; Optical beam steering; Optically controlled; Photonic lattices; Self localizations; Spatial resolutions; LasersDemonstration of Optically Controlled Beam Steering in Dynamic Photonic Lattices200610.1109/CLEO.2006.46278812016-02-24