Davis, Jeff AJagadish, Chennupati2015-12-101863-8880http://hdl.handle.net/1885/55703We review recent work studying the dynamics in zinc oxide quantum wells (QWs) using ultrafast optical spectroscopy. These materials present exciting possibilities for optoelectronic device applications. In order to develop these applications, it is important to understand the mechanisms of the electronic processes occurring in ZnO/ZnMgO QWs. In this review, we discuss the excitonic lifetime and the impact of the internal electric field, the potential profile, phonons, and defects. We also discuss coherence dynamics and the observation of biexcitons at room temperature.Keywords: Dynamics; Excitons; Quantum wells; Ultrafast spectroscopy; Zinc oxideUltrafast spectroscopy of ZnO/ZnMgO quantum wells200910.1002/lpor.2008100172016-02-24