Carrington, MelindaBall, JocastaHorowitz, John D.Marwick, Thomas H.Mahadevan, GnanadevanWong, ChiewAbhayaratna, WalterHaluska, BrianThompson, David RScuffham, Paul AStewart, Simon2015-12-070167-5273 Health outcomes associated with atrial fibrillation (AF) continue to be poor and standard management often does not provide clinical stability. The Standard versus Atrial Fibrillation spEcific managemenT studY (SAFETY) compares the efficacy ofKeywords: warfarin; anticoagulant therapy; article; cost effectiveness analysis; event free survival; heart atrium fibrillation; high risk patient; home care; hospital patient; hospital readmission; multicenter study (topic); priority journal; prospective study; ra Anti-coagulation; Atrial fibrillation; Disease managementNavigating the fine line between benefit and risk in chronic atrial fibrillation: Rationale and design of the Standard versus Atrial Fibrillation spEcific managemenT studY (SAFETY)201110.1016/j.ijcard.2011.10.0652016-02-24