Li, JunjianWang, GuoxiangLi, JunShen, XiangChen, YiminWang, RongpingXu, TiefengNie, QiuhuaDai, ShixunLu, YegangWang, Xunsi2015-12-131466-8033 prepared Mg-doped Sb2Te films and investigated their structural, optical and electrical properties. It was found that Mg doping can increase the crystallization temperature, suppress the crystal growth and shorten the crystallization time of Sb2Te. Compared to Ge 2Sb2Te5, the optimal composition of Mg 21.5(Sb2Te)78.5 exhibited a higher crystallization temperature (~183 °C), larger crystallization activation energy (~3.86 eV), and better data retention ability (maintaining the amorphous state at ~121 °C for ten years), indicating improved amorphous state stability due to the formation of Mg-Sb bonds. A reversible, repetitive optical switching behavior was realized in the Mg21.5(Sb2Te) 78.5 film, with a fast crystallization speed of 52 ns and a low amorphization power of 35 mW. This journal isFast crystallization and low-power amorphization of Mg-Sb-Te reversible phase-change films201410.1039/c4ce00547c2015-12-11