Lee, Jen Yee2018-11-222018-11-222011b2569931http://hdl.handle.net/1885/150176In this thesis, we investigate thermodynamic properties, magnetic phase transitions and correlation functions of integrable quantum many-body systems in the field of ultracold atomic gases. The scope of our investigation encompasses three models in one-dimension that are integrable by means of the Bethe ansatz method. They are the multi-component 5-interacting Fermi gas, the spin-l Bose gas with antiferromagnetic spin interaction and the SU(2) spinor Bose gas with finite-range Gaussian interaction. We derive the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equations for the general SU(k) Fermi gas. We illustrate the root patterns and give a quantitative description of the ground state properties for the strongly and weakly interacting regimes. The thermodynamics and magnetic phase transitions are described quantitatively by means of the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equations. We find that all phase transitions in the attractive regime are of second order with a linear field dependent magnetization in the vicinities of critical points. The SU(2) Fermi gas is studied in more detail. The low temperature thermodynamics for the repulsive case is derived by means of the Wiener-Hopf technique. Finite-size corrections and correlation functions for both the repulsive and attractive cases are derived from the nested Bethe ansatz equations and conformal field theory. In the attractive case, we show that spatial oscillations of the leading terms in the pair correlation function and spin correlation function solely depend on the mismatch between Fermi surfaces of spin-up and spin-down fermions. Such spatial modulations are characteristic of a Fulde- Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) state. For the spin-l Bose gas with antiferromagnetic spin interaction, we find that at zero temperature, the system exhibits three quantum phases: a phase with singlet pairs of bosons, a fully-polarized Tonks-Girardeau gas phase of unpaired ms = 1 bosons, and a mixed phase of singlet pairs and unpaired ms = 1 bosons. Phase transitions in the vicinities of the critical fields are also of second order with a linear field dependent magnetization. Finally, we use the asymptotic Bethe ansatz method to derive the quasimomenta distribution and ground state energy for the SU(2) spinor Bose gas with finite-range Gaussian interaction. We show that finite range potentials are more likely to lead to quasi Bose-Einstein condensation than zero range potentials by studying the spatial density profiles as the interaction width increases.xiii, 216 leaves.en-AUAuthor retains copyrightQC311.L44 2011ThermodynamicsIntegral equationsCold gasesElectron gasPhase transformations (Statistical physics)Thermodynamics and correlation functions of integrable models in one-dimension201110.25911/5d611c8e048bc2018-11-20