Kapitanova, PolinaOdit, MikhailDanaeifar, MohammadSayanskiy, A.Belov, PavelMiroshnichenko, AndreyKivshar, Yuri2020-04-21October 10978-2-87487-047-7http://hdl.handle.net/1885/203307All-dielectric particles with small and large aspect ratio supporting Mie modes and hybrid Mie-Fabry-Pérot modes are experimentally studied in microwave frequency range. The all-dielectric bianisotropic and multimode unidirectional metasurfaces based on such particles are designed and experimentally investigated. We demonstrate the all-dielectric bianisotropic metasurface composed of the particles with broken symmetry exhibits different phase of the reflection coefficient being excited from the opposite directions. The all-dielectric metasurfaces based on the particles with large aspect ratio responsible for the existence of multiple magnetic dipole resonances reveal the multimode unidirectionality when the Kerker conditions are satisfied.The work was supported by Russian Science Foundation (project 17-19-01731). PK acknowledges the scholarship of the President of Russian Federation. AM and Yu.K acknowledge the support of Australian Research Council.application/pdfen-AU© 2017 EuMAAll-dielectric Bianisotropic and Multimode Unidirectional Microwave Metasurfaces201710.23919/EuMC.2017.82308932019-11-25