Verhoeven, DebBurrows, Toby2013-12-162013-12-16Verhoeven, D. & Burrows, T. (2013). Integrating research in the humanities: the HuNI virtual laboratory. Digital poster presented at the First Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation, September 8 - 11, 2013, Canberra, ACT. the Humanities - The humanities and creative arts cover a wide variety of disciplines, from archaeology and linguistics to film and media •Existing discipline-based structures and organizations encourage specialization, and discourage collaboration between humanities disciplines •The same approach has also resulted in a proliferation of discipline-specific digital resources and datasets •This discipline-centred specialization tends to exclude the wider public and the staff of cultural institutions •And yet: the “big questions” in the humanities require an interdisciplinary approach and an integrated pool of data •Working with disciplines outside the humanities also requires an interdisciplinary approach and an integrated pool of humanities data to draw on14 pagesCopyright remains with the author. Permission to deposit the poster has been given by the Conference Chair, email dated 9/12/13researchhumanitiesinterdisciplinaryIntegrating research in the humanities: the HuNI virtual laboratory2013-09-08