Bekkers, JohnHausser, Michael2015-12-080027-8424 typically function as transduction devices, converting patterns of synaptic inputs, received on the dendrites, into trains of output action potentials in the axon. This transduction process is surprisingly complex and has been proposed to involveKeywords: action potential; animal cell; article; brain slice; cerebellum; controlled study; dendrite; dendritic cell; neocortex; nerve cell; nerve cell excitability; nerve fiber; nonhuman; priority journal; Purkinje cell; pyramidal nerve cell; rat; Action Potentia Action potential; Cerebellum; Dendrite; Modeling; NeocortexTargeted dendrotomy reveals active and passive contributions of the dendritic tree to synaptic integration and neuronal output200710.1073/pnas.07015861042015-12-08