Photographer: Arthur Llewellyn Basham2019-05-242019-05-24circa 1970IA-217IA-2174 next Asokan column we consider is in excellent condition even after having suffered a fall by apparently natural causes, As this detail of a humped bull shows, Asoka's imperial craftsmen were adept at their art and gave loving attention to the finish their creations bore, A simple but effectively balanced composition of alternating 'flowers' and animals encircles the abacus, It is likely that the 'flowers' are miniature 'Great Wheel' symbols referring to the Great Wheel of the Law said to have been set in motion by the Buddha,35mmmounted transparencyb&wsepiaimage/tiffen-AUMauryan Period: Ancient Indiaarchitecturemounted transparency setLion capital, Ashokan column, detail, 3rd Century B.C. Sarnath, Museum2019-05-24This image is provided for research purposes only and must not be reproduced without the prior permission of the Archives Program, Australian National University.