Nelson, BarbaraMacIntyre, AndrewNelson, BarbaraMacIntyre, Andrew2010-07-202010-12-202010-07-202010-12-202009Nelson, B., & MacIntyre, A. (Eds.). (2010). Capturing the Year 2009: Writings from the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific. Canberra, ACT: ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, the Year 2009 represents the fourth time the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific has published an annual selection of the best journalism of its scholars. Their expertise ranges from archaeology, linguistics and history to economics, political science and security policy. Selected from more than 160 pieces of writing, the articles in Capturing analyse big issues of the past year - the Global Financial Crisis; elections in India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia and Afghanistan; political developments in Thailand, Burma and Fiji; climate change negotiations; release of a new Defence White Paper and the election of a new US president. They also reflect on topics as diverse as democracy, ethics and human rights, Asian language study and teaching, and natural resources. Eclectic and penetrating, Capturing shows that fine scholars can - and do - write for wide audiences.Copyright Information: Author owns the copyright.Permission granted to archive and make publicly available.viii, 282 p.282en-AUAuthor owns the copyright.Permission granted to archive and make publicly available.ANU, Asia, Pacific, Global Financial Crisis, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia and Afghanistan, Thailand, Burma, FijiCapturing the Year 2009: writings from the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific20102020-11-15