Blackall, Chris2008-05-282011-01-042011-02-232008-05-282011-01-042011-02-2331/08/2006 presentation provides an overview of the information architectures and standards in which PREMIS will be implemented. The key standards related to PREMIS will be identified and discussed, as well as the crucial relationships between these standards and the underlying information architectures and systems adopted by institutions that are, taken together, the essential foundations for the long-term preservation and accessibility of digital information. To illustrate the relationship between standards and information architectures and systems, a range of examples will be discussed, drawn from APSR-supported projects that are using institutional repositories to preserve research information and data. Finally, based on these examples, there will be discussion in broad terms of the opportunities for improving digital preservation that lay ahead, but also some of the barriers.en Partnership for Sustainable RepositoriesThe Architecture and Standards Environments in Which PREMIS Needs to Operate