Zheng, PeitingRougieux, FiacreMacDonald, DanielCuevas, Andres2015-12-102156-3381http://hdl.handle.net/1885/69809Based on contactless photoconductance measurements of silicon wafers, we have determined the sum of the electron and hole mobilities as a function of doping, excess carrier concentration, and temperature. By separately analyzing those three functional dependences, we then develop a simple mathematical expression to describe the mobility sum as a function of carrier injection wafer doping and temperature from 150 to 450 K. This new parameterization also provides experimental validation to Klaassen's and Dorkel-Leturcq's mobility models in a range of temperatures.Measurement and parameterization of carrier mobility sum in silicon as a function of doping, temperature and injection level201410.1109/JPHOTOV.2013.22947552015-12-10