Pye, JohnCoventry, JoeHo, CliffordYellowhair, JuliusNock, IanWang, YeAbbasi, EhsanChristian, JoshuaOrtega, JesusHughes, GrahamObaidli, A ACalvet, N2021-08-252021-08-25October 119780735415225 receivers use conventional receiver tube-banks rearranged into bladed/finned structures, and offer better light trapping, reduced radiative and convective losses, and reduced tube mass, based on the presented optical and thermal analysis. Optimising for optical performance, deep blades emerge. Considering thermal losses leads to shallower blades. Horizontal blades perform better, in both windy and no-wind conditions, than vertical blades, at the scales considered so far. Air curtains offer options to further reduce convective losses; high flux on blade-tips is still a concern.This work was is supported by the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, grant 2014/RND010. Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.application/pdfen-AU© 2017 AIP PublishingOptical and Thermal Performance of Bladed Receivers201710.1063/1.49843832020-11-23