Vu, KhuYan, KunlunJin, ZheGai, XinDebbarma, SukantaLuther-Davies, BarryMadden, SteveChoi, Duk-Yong2016-05-052016-05-050146-9592 fabrication and characterization of loss-compensated dispersion-engineered nonlinear As₂S₃ on Er:TeO₂ waveguides is reported for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. The hybrid waveguide is a strip loaded structure made from an Er-doped TeO2 slab and an etched As₂S₃ strip. Almost complete loss compensation is demonstrated with 1480 nm pumping and a fully lossless waveguide with high nonlinear coefficient can be achieved with higher 1480 nm pump power.This work was supported by the Australian Research Council under Discovery Project Grant DP0987056 and the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Ultrahigh Bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems (project CE110001018).© 2013 Optical Society of America. Publisher permission to archive the version was granted via email on 13/05/15Keywords: Fabrication and characterizations; High nonlinear; Hybrid waveguides; Loaded structures; Loss compensation; Loss-less waveguides; Lossless; Pump power; Erbium; Nonlinear optics; WaveguidesHybrid waveguide from As₂S₃ and Er-doped TeO₂ for lossless nonlinear optics2013-06-0110.1364/OL.38.0017662016-06-14