Hasheminezhad, MahdiehHashemi, S MehdiMcKay, Brendan2015-12-109783642002014http://hdl.handle.net/1885/52695We extend the concept of rectangular drawing to drawings on a sphere using meridians and circles of latitude such that each face is bounded by at most two circles and at most two meridians. This is called spherical-rectangular drawing. Special cases include drawing on a cylinder, a cone, or a lattice of concentric circles on the plane. In this paper, we prove necessary and sufficient conditions for cubic planar graphs to have spherical-rectangular drawings, and show that one can find in linear time a spherical-rectangular drawing of a subcubic planar graph if it has one.Keywords: Concentric circles; Cubic planar graphs; Linear time; Planar graph; Sufficient conditions; Computation theory; SpheresSpherical-Rectangular Drawings200910.1007/978-3-642-00202-1_302016-02-24