Horridge, George Adrian2019-08-140028-0836http://hdl.handle.net/1885/165045So long ago as 1878, E. A. Schäfer demonstrated in Aurellia a network of bipolar and tripolar nerve cells the processes of which run in all directions, frequently coming close together at points which have been interpreted as synapses1,2. Using Holmes's method of silver staining, I have been able to confirm this histological picture; moreover, the fibres are similar to those of the through-conducting system in the mesenteries of Metridium3. These fibres can be seen clearly in living Aurellia under phase-contrast or oblique illumination.1 pageapplication/pdfen-AU© 1953 Nature Publishing GroupJellyfishAurellia aurita LamarckMotor nervesAn Action Potential from the Motor Nerves of the Jellyfish Aurellia aurita Lamarck1953-02-2810.1038/171400a0