Holman, LukeLeroy, ChloeJorgensen, CharlotteNielsen, Johnd'Ettorre, Patrizia2015-12-101045-2249http://hdl.handle.net/1885/65037Social organisms have evolved diverse and complex regulatory mechanisms that allow them to coordinate group-level functions. Signals and cues produced by other group members facilitate assessment of the group's current state, allowing the receiver to adjuKeywords: ant; behavioral response; colony; cuticle; fecundity; hydrocarbon; inhibition; larva; pheromone; physiology; queen; signal; social insect; worker caste; Formicidae; Hexapoda; Lasius niger Cuticular hydrocarbons; Fertility signal; Larvae; Lasius niger; Social physiologyAre queen ants inhibited by their own pheromone? Regulation of productivity via negative feedback201210.1093/beheco/ars1742016-02-24