Washiyama, K.Hagino, KouichiDasgupta, Mahananda2015-12-132015-12-130556-2813http://hdl.handle.net/1885/85130We perform a systematic study on the surface property of nucleus-nucleus potential in heavy-ion reactions using large-angle quasielastic scattering at energies well below the Coulomb barrier. At these energies, the quasielastic scattering can be well described by a single-channel potential model. Exploiting this fact, we point out that systems which involve spherical nuclei require the diffuseness parameter of around 0.60 fm in order to fit the experimental data, while systems with a deformed target between 0.8 and 1.1 fm.Probing surface diffuseness of nucleus-nucleus potential with quasielastic scattering at deep sub-barrier energies200610.1103/PhysRevC.73.0346072015-12-12