Simenel, CedricGodbey, KUmar, A S2021-03-182021-03-180031-9007 the dynamics of equilibration processes in quantum systems as well as their interplay with dissipation and fluctuation is a major challenge in quantum many-body theory. The timescales of such processes are investigated in collisions of atomic nuclei using fully microscopic approaches. Results from time-dependent Hartree-Fock and time-dependent random-phase approximation calculations are compared for 13 systems over a broad range of energies. The timescale for full mass equilibration (∼2x× 10−20s) is found to be much larger than timescales for neutron-to-proton equilibration, kinetic energy, and angular momentum dissipations which are on the order of 10−21s. Fluctuations of mass numbers in the fragments and correlations between their neutron and proton numbers build up within only a few 10−21s. This indicates that dissipation is basically not impacted by mass equilibration, but is mostly driven by the exchange of nucleons between the fragments.application/pdfen-AU© 2020 American Physical SocietyTimescales of Quantum Equilibration, Dissipation and Fluctuation in Nuclear Collisions202010.1103/PhysRevLett.124.2125042020-11-22Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license