van Soest, ArthurDas, MarcelGong, Xiaodong2015-12-130304-4076 show how non-parametric flexibility can be attained in a structural labour supply model that can be used to analyse all sorts of (non-linear) tax and benefits reforms. The direct utility function is approximated with a series expansion. For given length of the expansion, the model is estimated by smooth simulated maximum likelihood, using Dutch data on labour supply of married females. Estimates of own and cross wage elasticities and tax reform effects suggest that a series expansion of order two is enough. Monte Carlo simulations show that the estimator performs very well, unless there is measurement error in the hours variable.Keywords: Approximation theory; Computer simulation; Constraint theory; Maximum likelihood estimation; Monte Carlo methods; Personnel; Regression analysis; Taxation; Wages; Labor supply; Non-parametric estimation; Industrial economics Labour supply; Non-parametric estimation; Tax reformsA structural labour supply model with flexible preferences200210.1016/S0304-4076(01)00128-22015-12-12