Sio, H. C.Xiong, Z.Trupke, T.Macdonald, D.2015-09-182015-09-180003-6951 present a method for monitoring crystal orientations in chemically polished and unpassivated multicrystalline silicon wafers based on band-to-band photoluminescence imaging. The photoluminescence intensity from such wafers is dominated by surface recombination, which is crystal orientation dependent. We demonstrate that a strong correlation exists between the surface energy of different grain orientations, which are modelled based on first principles, and their corresponding photoluminescence intensity. This method may be useful in monitoring mixes of crystal orientations in multicrystalline or so-called “cast monocrystalline” wafers.H. C. Sio acknowledges scholarship support from BT Imaging and the Australian Solar Institute, and the Centre for Advanced Microscopy at ANU for SEM access. This work has been supported by the Australian Research Council.5 pages"Publishers version/PDF may be used on author's personal website, institutional website or institutional repository" from SHERPA/RoMEO site (as at 18/09/15). Copyright 2012 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Applied Physics Letters and may be found at Band-to-band photoluminescence; Grain orientation; Monocrystalline; Multicrystalline; Multicrystalline silicon wafers; Orientation dependent; Photoluminescence intensities; Strong correlation; Surface recombinations; Crystal orientation; PhotoluminescenceImaging crystal orientations in multicrystalline silicon wafers via photoluminescence2012-08-2010.1063/1.47478012016-02-24