Bloxham, SeftonMaharg, Paul2015-07-092015-07-092042-115X is a special edition of the journal devoted to the legal educational papers given at or prepared for the 2012 British and Irish Law Education and Technology Association Conference, held in the Centre for Life, Newcastle, hosted by Northumbria University Law School and organized by Paul Maharg and Abhilash Nair. The issue is edited by Paul Maharg and the recent Chair of BILETA, Sefton Bloxham. It is doubly a special issue of the journal, however, because it is also an issue dedicated to Professor Abdul Paliwala, who retired recently from the University of Warwick Law School. In addition to the editorial and conference articles, therefore, there is a brief appreciation describing his work in legal education, followed by a CV and complete bibliography of his academic work.The Author(s)legal educationEditorial: 'Too many laws, too few examples.' Regulation, technology, law & legal education2013"Author(s) who publish with EJLT will retain copyright and moral rights in the underlying work but will grant all users the rights to copy, store and print for non-commercial use copies of their work." from the publisher's website as at 8/07/2015