Wang, RongpingSaito, KIkushima, A J2015-12-100022-3727 temperature (Tf) dependence of self-trapped holes (STHs) in low temperature UV-irradiated silica glasses was systematically investigated by the electron spin resonance (ESR) method. The decay of the ESR signals was found to be bleaching photon energy dependent and to follow the stretched exponential decay function at each bleaching wavelength. When the one-photon process is dominant during the photo-bleaching process, where the recombination of electrons excited from the valence band with the holes in the STH band results in the decay of STH signals, the energy levels of STH1 were thus derived at 1.75 0.02 eV, 1.61 0.03 eV, 1.45 0.05 eV and STH2 at 1.68 0.02 eV, 1.44 0.02 eV, 1.25 0.04 eV, respectively, for Tf = 1500, 1350 and 1200 °C samples.Keywords: Electron spin resonance methods; Energy levels; Fictive temperatures; Low temperatures; One-photon process; Photo-bleaching; Photon energies; Self-trapped holes; Silica glass; Stretched exponential decays; Bleaching; Cleaning; Electroslag remelting; MultiEnergy levels of self-trapped holes in amorphous SiO2: fictive temperature dependence200910.1088/0022-3727/42/9/0954182016-02-24