Tay, SimonArmstrong, ShiroDrysdale, PeterIntal, Ponciano2023-12-212023-12-21978-602-5460-15-9http://hdl.handle.net/1885/311074The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has been celebrated and also much criticised in recent years. Celebrations reached something ofacrestwiththe2015inaugurationoftheASEANCommunity–with economic, political-security and socio-cultural pillars1 – and the group’s 50thanniversaryin2017.Overthesedecades,ASEANhasbecome the convenor of several key forums and Summits not only for its own members but to bring together the major powers in the wider region; these include the ASEAN Regional Forum, the ASEAN Defence Ministers +8 meetings and, for leaders, the East Asia Summit. in this way, ASEAN has emerged as a central actor in the region, offering a form of leadership that belies the group’s lack of major power status.application/pdfen-AU© Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)ASEAN Vision 2040 Volume II: Collective Leadership, ASEAN Centrality, and Strengthening the ASEAN Institutional Ecosystem20192022-09-11