Jones, Haley M2008-07-082011-01-042008-07-082011-01-04b2531712x study of the spatial aspects of multipath in wireless communications environments is an increasingly important addition to the study of the temporal aspects in the search for ways to increase the utilization of the available wireless channel capacity. Traditionally, multipath has been viewed as an encumbrance in wireless communications, two of the major impairments being signal fading and intersymbol interference. However, recently the potential advantages of the diversity offered by multipath rich environments in multiuser communications have been recognised. Space time coding, for example, is a recent technique which relies on a rich scattering environment to create many practically uncorrelated signal transmission channels. Most often, statistical models have been used to describe the multipath environments in such applications. This approach has met with reasonable success but is limited when the statistical nature of a field is not easily determined or is not readily described by a known distribution. ΒΆ ...enThe Australian National Universityspatial diversitymultipath environmentwireless communicationmultiuser communicationsignalsMMSEminimum mean square errorDECdecorrelatingMFmatched filter detectorsOn multipath spatial diversity in wireless multiuser communications200110.25911/5d7a29cc94054