Accadia, TAcernese, FAntonucci, FAstone, PBarone, FBauer, T.S.Bradaschia, CGenin, EHuet, DVan Den Brand, J.Rabeling, David2015-12-132015-12-13July 12-189789814374514 setup monitor tools to perform on-line and off-line noise analysis for VSR2 preparation. We monitor glitchness, non stationary noise, environmental noise contribution, lines behavior and lines identification, coherence with auxiliary channel to fully characterize the data. Some of these tools run on line during WSR11, WSR12 and WSR13 We report the results for the WSR11-WSR12-WSR13 runs.Keywords: Auxiliary channel; Environmental noise; Noise analysis; Noise characterization; Nonstationary noise; Offline; Astrophysics; Relativity; Tools Noise analysis; On-line data analysisNoise analysis in virgo: On-line and offline tools for noise characterization20122016-02-24