Beanland, VanessaFitzharris, MichaelYoung, Kristie L.Lenne, Michael G2015-12-130001-4575 inattention and driver distraction represent a major problem in road safety. Although both are believed to contribute to increased crash risk, there is currently limited reliable information on their role in crashes. The current study used in-depthKeywords: Crash investigation; Crash rate; Distraction; In-depth study; Inattention; Accident prevention; Safety engineering; adult; article; attention; Australia; car driving; feasibility study; female; human; information processing; injury; male; methodology; psy Australian National Crash In-depth Study; Crash rates; Distraction; In-depth crash investigation; InattentionDriver inattention and driver distraction in serious casualty crashes: Data from the Australian National Crash In-depth Study201310.1016/j.aap.2012.12.0432016-02-24