Wang, KaiKruk, SergeyXu, LeiParry, MatthewChung, HungpinSolntsev, AlexanderTitchener, JamesKravchenko, Ivan IChen, YenhungKivshar, YuriNeshev, DragomirSukhorukov, Andrey2021-09-08May 14-199781943580279 suggest and realize experimentally dielectric metasurfaces with high transmission efficiency for quantum multi-photon tomography, allowing for full reconstruction of pure or mixed quantum polarization states across a broad bandwidthThe authors acknowledge financial support from the Australian Research Council. A portion of this research was conducted at the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, which is a DOE Office of Science User Facility.application/pdfen-AU© OSA 2017 ©2017 IEEENanophotonics and photonic crystalsQuantum information and processingMetamaterialsQuantum imaging with dielectric metasurfaces for multi-photon polarization tomography201710.1364/CLEO_AT.2017.JW4G.52020-11-23