Bogomolov, SergiyMagazzeni, DanieleMinopoli, StefanoWehrle, Martin2018-11-302018-11-30June 12-179781577357575 in hybrid domains poses a special challenge due to the involved mixed discrete-continuous dynamics. A recent solving approach for such domains is based on applying model checking techniques on a translation of PDDL+ planning problems to hybrid automata. However, the proposed translation is limited because must behavior is only overapproximated, and hence, processes and events are not re- flected exactly. In this paper, we present the theoretical foundation of an exact PDDL+ translation. We propose a schema to convert a hybrid automaton with must transitions into an equivalent hybrid automaton featuring only may transitions.application/pdfPDDL+ Planning with Hybrid Automata: Foundations of Translating Must Behavior20162018-11-29