Wierzbicka, AnnaCliff Goddard2019-11-289783319625119http://hdl.handle.net/1885/186882Taking UNESCO�s (The Earth Charter, 2000) �Earth Charter� as its point of departure, this chapter argues that the globalizing world needs a global ethics. At the same time, the chapter builds on the �Declaration Toward a Global Ethic� (1993) endorsed by the Parliament of the World�s Religions (and inspired by the Dalai Lama) whose Principle 6 reads: �This must be a Declaration translatable into other languages�. A charter of 24 ethical norms phrased in Minimal English is proposed as a platform for a global discourse on ethics.application/pdfen-AU© The Author(s) 2018Charter of Global Ethic in Minimal English201810.1007/978-3-319-62512-6_62020-12-20