Zhirihin, DmitryFilonov, DmitryGorlach, Maxim ASlobozhanyuk, AlexeyKivshar, YuriKhanikaev, Alexander B.2020-02-07July 8-13978-153867105-4http://hdl.handle.net/1885/201538Significant progress has recently been made in the study of topological states in photonic topological systems. Being motivated by the recent theoretical proposal of three-dimensional topological structures based on high-permittivity bianisotropic particles, here we verify experimentally the concept of three-dimensional all-dielectric photonic topological insulators in the microwave frequency range. We demonstrate an excitation of topological surface states in the near field as well as their impact on the far-field radiation where the propagation direction is dictated by the excitation of a particular pseudo-spin.Experimental part of this work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant No. 16-19-10538). We also acknowledge partial financial support from the Australian Research Council.application/pdfen-AU©2018 IEEEExperimental Realization of Three-Dimensional All-Dielectric Photonic Topological Insulators201910.1109/USNC-URSI.2018.86027012019-11-25