Garland, NBoyle, G JCocks, DanielWhite, R D2020-06-160963-0252 study reviews the neutral density dependence of electron transport in gases and liquids and develops a method to determine the nonlinear medium density dependence of electron transport coefficients and scattering rates required for modeling transport in the vicinity of gas-liquid interfaces. The method has its foundations in Blanc's law for gas-mixtures and adapts the theory of Garland et al (2017 Plasma Sources Sci. Technol. 26) to extract electron transport data across the gas-liquid transition region using known data from the gas and liquid phases only. The method is systematically benchmarked against multi-term Boltzmann equation solutions for Percus-Yevick model liquids. Application to atomic liquids highlights the utility and accuracy of the derived method.application/pdfen-AU© 2018 IOP Publishing LtdApproximating the nonlinear density dependence of electron transport coefficients and scattering rates across the gas-liquid interface201810.1088/1361-6595/aaaa0c2020-01-12