Savelev, RomanFilonov, DmitryPetrov, Mihail IKrasnok, AlexanderBelov, PavelKivshar, Yuri2016-06-141098-0121 study numerically, analytically, and experimentally the resonant transmission of light in a waveguide formed by a periodic array of high-index dielectric nanoparticles with a side-coupled resonator. We demonstrate that a resonator with high enough Q-factor provides the conditions for the Fano-type interference allowing one to control the resonant transmission of light. We suggest a practical realization of this resonant effect based on the quadrupole resonance of a dielectric particle and demonstrate it experimentally for ceramic disks at microwave frequencies.Author/s retain copyrightResonant transmission of light in chains of high-index dielectric particles201510.1103/PhysRevB.92.1554152016-06-14