Powell, ClemCifuentes, MarieWillis, AnthonyMorrall, JosephSamoc, MarekHumphrey, Mark2015-12-070277-5387http://hdl.handle.net/1885/23662The complexes trans-[Pt(C{triple bond, long}CC6H4-4-C{triple bond, long}CPh)Cl(PMe2Ph)2] (1), 1,3,5-C6H3{C{triple bond, long}CC6H4-4-C{triple bond, long}C-trans-[PtCl(PMe2Ph)2]}3 (2) and 1,3,5-C6H3(C{triple bond, long}CC6H4-4-C{triple bond, long}C-trans-[Pt(PMe2Ph)2]C{triple bond, long}C-4-C6H4C{triple bond, long}C-3,5-C6H3-{C{triple bond, long}C-trans-[Ru(C{triple bond, long}CPh)(dppe)2]}2)3 (3) have been synthesized and the identity of 1 confirmed by a single-crystal X-ray diffraction study. The optical limiting merit of 1 and 2 has been assessed at 523 nm employing 40 ns pulses; the effective absorption cross-section for 1 is low, while that of 2 is larger, but the complex is susceptible to photo-damage. The third-order nonlinearity of the Ru6Pt3 dendrimer 3 has been examined at 800 nm using 150 fs pulses; it is larger than that of a related Ru6 dendrimer, but smaller than that of a Ru9 dendrimer under the same conditions, suggesting that increasing metal content and electron richness is correlated to increased nonlinearity in these complexes.Keywords: Dendrimer; Nonlinear optics; Optical limiting; Platinum; RutheniumOrganometallic complexes for nonlinear optics. 37: Synthesis and third-order nonlinear optical properties of a hexarutheniumtriplatinum dendrimer200710.1016/j.poly.2006.05.0072015-12-07