Chabchoub, AHoffmann, N POnorato, MSlunyaev, ASergeeva, APelinovsky, EAkhmediev, Nail2015-12-101539-3755 present experimental observations of the hierarchy of rational breather solutions of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS) generated in a water wave tank. First, five breathers of the infinite hierarchy have been successfully generated, thus confirAuthor/s retain copyrightKeywords: Dinger equation; Effect of water; Experimental observation; Higher order solutions; Nonlinear dispersive media; Plasma physics; Rogue waves; Theoretical prediction; Wavebreaking; Nonlinear equations; Water tanks; Water waves; ExperimentsObservation of a hierarchy of up to fifth-order rogue waves in a water tank201210.1103/PhysRevE.86.0566012016-02-24