Anderson, Kym2016-07-202016-07-200378-5920 celebration of Max Corden's academic achievements provides an appropriate time to reflect on how far the international economics profession has progressed in measuring the extent and effects of trade policy distortions. Calculations of the extent of protection from import competition took a giant leap following the development and popularisation by Corden (plus Balassa and others) of the effective rate of protection concept in the 1960s. Subsequently, our abilities to empirically estimate the effects of protection on such things as production, consumption, trade, and national and global economic welfare and its distribution also have developed rapidly.28 pagesapplication/pdfen-AU© Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2003Max CordenacademicachievementsinternationaleconomicsprofessiontradepolicydistortionprotectionimportcompetitionMeasuring effects of trade policy distortions: how far have we come?2003-0410.1111/1467-9701.00530