Reijns, R ASeitzer, PArnold, RichardFreeman, KennethIngerson, Tvan den Bosch, R C Evan de Ven, Gde Zeeuw, P Tim2015-12-070004-6361 have used the ARGUS multi-object spectrometer at the CTIO 4 m Blanco telescope to obtain 2756 radial velocity measurements for 1966 individual stars in the globular cluster ω Centauri brighter than blue photographic magnitude of about 16.5. Of these,Keywords: Airborne telescopes; Kinematics; Photography; Spectrometers; Velocity; Galaxy: globular clusters: individual NGC 5139; Galaxy: kinematics and dynamics; Radial velocities; Galaxies Galaxy: globular clusters: individual: NGC 5139; Galaxy: kinematics and dynamics; Radial velocitiesRadial velocities in the globular cluster ω Centauri200610.1051/0004-6361:200530592015-12-07