Solntsev, Alexander SAgarwal, Girish S.Kivshar, Yuri2023-04-281749-4885 in the field of quantum-photonics applications of metasurfaces is reviewed. Cutting-edge research, including the development of optical chips supporting high-dimensional quantum entanglement and advanced quantum tomography, is summarized. Rapid progress in the development of metamaterials and metaphotonics allowed bulky optical assemblies to be replaced with thin nanostructured films, often called metasurfaces, opening a broad range of novel and superior applications of flat optics to the generation, manipulation and detection of classical light. Recently, these developments started making headway in quantum photonics, where novel opportunities arose for the control of non-classical nature of light, including photon statistics, quantum state superposition, quantum entanglement and single-photon detection. In this Perspective, we review recent progress in the emerging field of quantum-photonics applications of metasurfaces, focusing on innovative and promising approaches to create, manipulate and detect non-classical light.A.S.S. and Y.S.K. acknowledge support from the Australian Research Council (grant numbers DE180100070 and DP200101168), the University of Technology Sydney (Seed Funding Grant), and the Strategic Fund of the Australian National University. Y.S.K. acknowldeges support from the US Army International Office (grant FA520921P0034). G.S.A. acknowledges support from the R. A. Welch Foundation (grant number A-1943) and AFOSR award number FA9550-20-1-0366.application/pdfen-AU© Springer Nature Limited 2021Metasurfaces for quantum photonics202110.1038/s41566-021-00793-z2022-02-06