Manning, Andrew Geoffrey2014-12-092014-12-09b37324044 field of atom optics has progressed rapidly over the past 20 years since the realisation of Bose-Einstein condensation, such that the wave behaviour of atomic gases is now routinely demonstrated. Furthermore, the study of quantum atom optics, which goes beyond a ‘mean-field’ description of quantum systems to consider the behaviour of single particles, has demonstrated both the similarities between photons and massive species, and their differences as a result of the internal structure and external interactions of atoms. An important class of observable quantities which allow such effects to be measured are nth order correlation functions, which can be interpreted as a result of either particle or wave behaviour. These functions provide a statistical description of fluctuations in n-tuples of particles in a source, which rigorously defines concepts such as coherence. The quantum statistics of a Bose-Einstein condensate should be the same as that for an optical laser, while an ideal thermal Bose gas matches the behaviour of incoherent light. However, correlation measurements can also be used to quantify the influence of interactions, dimensionality, confining potentials and waveguides, and the difference in quantum statistics between fermions and bosons, which illustrates the rich range of behaviour exhibited by atomic gases. In this thesis, several aspects of quantum atom optics are explored with experiments using ultracold metastable helium, a species with the unique advantage of facilitating simple single-atom detection with high resolution, while still allowing Bose-Einstein condensates to be formed. The coherence of atomic systems is shown to be maintained when outcoupled as pulsed atom lasers, and the long-range order characteristic of Bose-Einstein condensates is demonstrated to third order for the first time. Conversely, thermal bunching is observed for a variety of atomic systems, including the measurement of correlation functions up to sixth order with near-ideal interference contrast. These results clearly demonstrate the correspondence between the quantum statistics of photons and atoms as was formalised by Glauber, as well as confirming the validity of applying Wick’s theorem to simplify the statistics of atomic gases. Correlation functions are also shown to be an ideal tool to probe the quantum state of an ultracold gas, and were used to observe the phenomenon of transverse condensation in an elongated Bose gas, as well as characterise the mode occupancy of matter waves guided by an optical potential. Ultracold metastable helium is also suitable for exploring other fundamental topics in quantum optics such particle/wave duality. The notion of complementarity stimulated long running philosophical discussions about how apparently mutually exclusive behaviours can coexist, which culminated in Wheeler devising his famous ‘delayed choice’ gedankenexperiment. A proposed experimental method to realise Wheeler’s experiment with ultracold atoms is discussed, and preliminary measurements presented which indicate that the completion of this experiment could be achieved in the near future. Not only is this of interest in its own right, but the implementation of this experiment has also developed techniques which may enable further studies in quantum atom optics such as investigations of the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect and quantum entanglement with massive particles.en-AUBose-Einstein condensationquantum atom opticsquantum correlationsHanbury Brown-Twiss effectmatter wave guidingWheeler's delayed choice experimentFoundation experiments in quantum atom optics with ultracold metastable helium201410.25911/5d73903cb71ea