Cameron, Helen2013-12-162013-12-16Cameron, H. (2013). National preventive health research strategy 2013-2018. Digital poster presented at the First Global Conference on Research Integration and Implementation, September 8 - 11, 2013, Canberra, ACT. Preventative Health taskforce (2009) called for a National Strategic Framework for preventive health research in Australia: the Healthiest Country by 2020. The Taskforce saw the need for better research translating evidence into policy and practice. The Australian National Preventive Health Agency established the Expert Committee on Research in 2011 with the development of a research strategy as its prime task. The Agency has developed this strategy using an extensive stakeholder consultation process and launched it on 26 June 2013.11 pagesCopyright remains with the author. Permission to deposit the poster has been given by the Conference Chair, email dated 9/12/13preventive healthresearch strategyAustralian National Preventive Health AgencyNational preventive health research strategy 2013-20182013-09-08